vineri, 14 octombrie 2011 Details about the training: “Make yourself respected by respecting the others!”, 5-13.11.2011, Targu Jiu, Romania

“Make yourself respected by respecting the others!” is an 8 days international (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine) training course having as topic discrimination and how we can “fight” against it using as a tool mass-media especially new media (internet media).

Our project aims to raise the awareness about discrimination involving the media at local, national and international level. The participants will be given examples of how discrimination is reflected in media (positively and negatively) and the methods how to fight against it on many aspects from different countries.

Through discussions and workshops the media experts will give the participants useful knowledge and examples on how to use media to fight against discrimination and to avoid the trend of using media to promote discriminating messages.

Also, the expert in new media will show the participants how to create a blog or how to update a news portal taking into consideration that the new (internet) media is an easy tool for youngsters and minority groups to voice their problems.

Involving young people with less opportunities into this project we will have concrete study cases to debate on. As the project brings together young people from different countries and cultures, but with the same interest, they will also share experience and ideas, build up new partnerships and bridges against discrimination.
Tineret in Actiune
Tineret in Actiune
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’


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