luni, 12 martie 2012 Republic of Moldova introduces chemical castration for paedophiles

The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova voted to make chemical castration compulsory for those convicted of violently abusing children under 15. The new law states that both citizens of the Republic of Moldova and foreigners convicted of violent paedophile offences will be chemically castrated. Also, rapists will face castration, to be decided on a case by case basis BBC reports.

Valeriu Munteanu the MP of the Liberal Party steered the bill through parliament. He said that there had been 15 cases in recent years of violent paedophiles reoffending in Republic of Moldova.

Chemical castration involves a man taking hormones which suppress the production of testosterone for three months, leading to a decreased sex drive. Poland introduced mandatory chemical castration for some sex offenders in 2009, and Russia has also recently introduced similar legislation. The new law of the Republic of Moldova will come into force on 1 July. Titus Corlatean: EU-Serbia Association Accord to be ratified with declaration on minorities Titus Corlatean: EU-Serbia Association Accord to be ratified with declaration on minorities

Titus Corlatean, the chairman of the Foreign Policy Commission in Senate declared on Tuesday that the accord of Serbia’s accession to EU will be ratified by Senate with a declaration about observing the rights of national minorities. The orientation of my fellow MPs is to approve the ratification of the document, said foreign minister Cristian Diaconescu following hearings in the joint foreign policy commission of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies.

In his turn, the chairman of the foreign policy commission of the Senate, Titus Corlatean explained he would propose the approval of the document with a declaration annexed to it. As for conclusions I decide to suggest my colleagues in the Foreign Policy Commission in Senate to carry out favorably the procedure of ratification of Serbia’s accession accord accompanied by a declaration which Romania’s Senate should adopt and which is part of the ratified law, Corlatean said.He pointed out that this statement will be included in the ratification instrument deposited with the respective state.

According to Corlatean, the declaration will show that Romania’s Parliament requests the Romanian government, to have an active attitude in the negotiation process for various chapters which Serbia will have as candidate state, so as to ensure , in collaboration with European partners, that Serbia will fulfill these criteria before becoming a EU member.

The stability and association accord concluded by Serbia with EU must be ratified by all EU member states in order to come into force. Until now, three states, Romania included, have not ratified the document. The Senate is a decision making chamber in Romania’s case. The document received a negative vote from the Commission for Romanians everywhere in Senate and went to the European Affairs Commission. The document will also go to the Foreign Policy Commission in Senate.
