- to provide the participants with general and specific information about discrimination and fight against it on many aspects from different countries;
- to create a theoretical and practical basis for future media courses that target youth workers, and indirectly young people;
- to develop public relation skills and the usage of media as a practical innovative tool which would make their projects more attractive for young people against all kinds of discrimination;
- to lay down the basis for further co-operation and partnerships in preventing discrimination: ideas for new projects that involve the main actors: youth, youth workers, minorities, authorities;
- to involve people with less opportunities and youngsters that face continuous discrimination in developing projects against discrimination;
- to promote understanding and respect for cultural diversity particularly towards different national, ethnic, religious, linguistic and other minorities and communities;
- to empower minority youngsters to act for human rights in their local communities;
- to give people from different cultures and backgrounds space to work on one common idea.
- to let people from the area of Targu Jiu, interact with different cultures and in the same way let people from all over Europe to experience the daily life of a Romanian town.
- to facilitate and support the planning of new projects, especially those to be realised in the framework of the Youth in Action Programme;
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Details: www.respect-Romania.blogspot.com
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